Terms & conditions

1. Overview and Purpose

The LTD Member DAO ("The Group") is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization based in the Republic of Panama. The Group has developed an advanced web-based platform that facilitates user interaction within an immersive multimedia multiverse, including the creation and utilization of various fungible tokens. Participation in this ecosystem requires the use of $LTD tokens (hereinafter referred to as "LTD" or "LIVING THE DREAM"), designed to enable access and interaction within the LTD ecosystem.

2. Technology Utilization

$LTD tokens are built using state-of-the-art distributed ledger technology, which ensures transparency, security, and immutability. This technology underpins the LTD ecosystem, enabling decentralized ownership and trading of the LTD.

3. Expansion and Innovation

The Group is dedicated to expanding the platform's capabilities through continuous innovation, enhancing current functionalities, and providing ongoing support within the blockchain technology network that underpins the LTD ecosystem.

4. Token Utility and Interaction

Acquisition of $LTD tokens is essential for engaging with the LTD ecosystem. These tokens are intended to serve as a utility for transactions within the ecosystem, facilitating access to services and participation in activities designed to enhance the community experience.

5. Comprehensive Platform


The LTD platform combines blockchain technology with innovative web-based data transfer systems to create a user-friendly environment for digital content creation, social interactions, and professional collaborations.

6. Development Team and Expertise

The LTD platform and $LTD tokens are developed by a team with deep expertise in blockchain technology and digital platforms. Their background ensures that the LTD tokens and platform are robust, secure, and capable of supporting a wide range of activities.

7. Detailed Legal Framework and Terms of Use

Usage Rights and Responsibilities

When acquiring and using $LTD tokens, users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, respect intellectual property rights, and engage in ethical transactions in accordance with the guidelines set out by The Group.

Token Acquisition and Usage

By acquiring $LTD tokens, users agree to these Terms, which govern all interactions with the token and the LTD ecosystem. These Terms are binding and include conditions regarding the use of the tokens and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Modifications to Terms

The Group reserves the right to modify these Terms to reflect changes in the legal landscape, technological advancements, or strategic adjustments. Users are advised to review these Terms regularly.

Purpose and Non-Financial Nature of $LTD Tokens

$LTD Tokens are designed as utility tokens for use within the LTD ecosystem and are not intended as investments. They do not represent any share, stake, debt, security, or equivalent rights in any form. As such, they are not designed to offer a return on investment and hold no inherent monetary value outside of their utility within the LTD ecosystem.

Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitations of Liability

$LTD tokens are provided without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. The Group disclaims all warranties, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The Group does not warrant that the tokens will meet your specific requirements or that the operation will be uninterrupted or error-free.


Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Group and its affiliates from any claim or demand arising from the use of $LTD tokens.

Arbitration and Dispute Resolution

Disputes related to these Terms or the use of $LTD tokens shall be resolved through binding arbitration in Panama, in accordance with local laws.

Updates to Terms

These Terms may be updated periodically to reflect changes in technology, legal requirements, or other factors. Users are encouraged to review the Terms regularly to ensure continued compliance.

Dare to dream big and take charge of your future! Join the movement that could transform the future for Dreamers everywhere!